Dieselpulp Wiki
Estados Unidos Mexicanos


Mexico City

After freeing itself from Spain in the 1820s, Mexico has had a tumultuous century. Debates over how to organize Mexico's independent government, would-be dictators and emperors, political repression of farmers and indigenous peoples, wars with foreign powers and several territory losses all marred a time also noted for advances in the arts and sciences and significant economic growth. However, with the formation of the PNR in 1929, it seemed that the nation would gain some stability. President Lázaro Cárdenas quickly exiled the corrupt Elías Calles and implemented many social and economic reforms, improving the government's treatment of indigenous populations and moderating its relationship with the Catholic Church. As Mexico's oil industry grew over this period, the country has wielded increasing economic power, even more so as the demand for black gold increases in the fragmented remnants of the United States. Today, more unified and in many ways more equitable than ever, Mexico sits in a position of great potential power, but must remain wary of its borders - and, like everyone else, keep an eye on events in Europe.

Foreign Relations[]

Mexico watched the break up of the United States with trepidation, remembering the Mexican-American war less than a century ago, and not happy about such instability on its borders on the heels of its own revolutions. While the fledgling nations of North America initially ignored Mexico in favor of defining their borders with each other, each year Texas grows hungrier for new land. Rumblings of President Cárdenas's plans for the oil industry only further inflame Texan aggression. Arixo, for its part, is mostly happy to stay within its borders, and Hollywood is too busy with Pacifica to devote many resources to the dispute over Baja California.

Further abroad, Mexico seeks to aid the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War, putting it at odds with Germany.

Magic and Demographics[]

Mexico's history makes it a natural home for Suukya' Taawa, particularly for the descendants of the Aztecs in central Mexico and the Mayans in the south. The ruins of those very cultures draw Banisterites to the country, and Mexico has seen some of the fiercest competition between these two schools anywhere in the world. Usually, the government satisfies itself with making sure that the mages' feud does not harm the general populace.

Many of the members of Suukya' Taawa in Mexico are actually shamans following native traditions, while a few of the Catholic priests in the country wield shaman magic as well. The latter were more numerous once, but the intense anti-clerical campaigns of the last ten years have diminished their numbers greatly, with those priests known to wield "unnatural" power being especially hunted.

Mexico is dominated by humans and epesi, with indigenous elves mostly in the southern part of the country.
